Sunday, October 12, 2014


So we have an MLS youth soccer team staying here (I won't disclose the team name as I will probably get in trouble for that) and the boys had a free day for most of the day and seem to also have a free day tomorrow (or today however you want to look at it considering it is 3:30am) so they are up and about. However their coaches just came back and found them in the lobby and gave them a lecture and glared them down for being up at 3am and threatening to send them home tomorrow. While I agree that players shouldn't be up this late whether they have a game or not I can't help but feel that it is mostly the fault of the coaches. The boys are in high school. They are athletes. If you've ever dealt with these types of people you will know that at that age they aren't ones for going to bed if they don't have to get up in the morning. Yet the coaches were out drinking tonight and just arrived back into the hotel at this hour. If you ask me I think the coaches are the ones at fault here given that not only were they leaving the boys unsupervised while traveling out of state but they were also drinking out in town and coming back slightly inebriated. Listen they are grown adults and can drink whenever they want; except when they are being help responsible for looking after teenagers who are traveling away from home and have plenty of free time on their hands. Anyway just my little rant on crooked discipline going on here. I'm sure in the end it won't matter one way or the other and the coaches are more just trying to ensure they are in charge rather than actually terminate any of these players. We will see though.

Stay safe and smile!

-Riley Hoiem

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